The DevOps revolution has been cooking up a storm in development and operations, burning the fingers of many early adopters. Through our work with customers and in internal projects, we have become aware of both the opportunities and the risks and dangers involved in adopting DevOps. Using this experience combined with the wisdom of ages, we have developed a set of habits and best practices to leverage the benefits and mitigate the risks.
In our presentation, we will show you "Grandma's Certified Recipe for DevOps Adoption", aimed at maximizing the chances of succeeding in the transition to DevOps. We will also present "Grandma's Cooking Tips" - straight and cut-clear advice on how to get started with DevOps.
Attendees should understand the basic concepts of agile software development and operations. No in-depth knowledge is required.
Learn the basics of how to proceed best in adopting DevOps.
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Andrés García García
has collected experience in a variety of areas and professions, including research, teaching, software engineering, SCRUM, and requirements management. At Fujitsu Enabling Software Technology GmbH, he is leveraging this experience and his strengths and beliefs in communication and collaboration as a consultant in partner and pilot projects, particularly in the DevOps area.