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Goodbye Ingress – Hello Gateway API

The majority of Kubernetes users needing to expose an HTTP application, will have come across the Ingress API. The Ingress API is widely adopted and well documented. The current ingress implementation has some limitations. The ingress controller lacks native support for more advanced routing features such as traffic splitting, header modification, and URL rewriting.

To solve this problem, Kubernetes has introduced the Gateway API.

During my talk I will demonstrate the key differences between the two existing APIs. I will finish off with a demo showing Cilium CNI and the Gateway API to manage ingress traffic.

Because of advanced features such as traffic splitting, header modification, and URL rewriting I would like to encourage the participants to give Gateway API a try. I believe the rich feature set in combination with the benefits Cilium CNI has to offer are unbeaten. The future of Ingress is Gateway API.


The viewers should have a basic understanding of Kuberentes. It would also be helpful but not compulsory, if the viewers have exposed an application with Kubernetes using the Ingress API.


After listening to the talk participants will have a clear understanding about the differences between the Ingress API and the Gateway API.



Simon Pearce
Simon Pearce is a Kubernetes & Cloud consultant at SysEleven working on improving the customer journey. He supported building MetaKube SysEleven's managed Kubernetes platform. Which currently hosts over 300 Kubernetes clusters.


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