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Complete lifecycle protection with the Aqua cloud native security platform

In today's dynamic and ever-evolving technology landscape, organisations are rapidly embracing cloud-native architectures to drive innovation and scalability. However, this shift introduces new security challenges that need to be addressed.

Learn the fundamentals of CNAPP (cloud-native application protection platforms) and its crucial role in securing your cloud-native applications and explore the unique security requirements and pain points that arise when deploying applications in a cloud-native environment. From containerisation to microservices, we will discuss the key vulnerabilities and risks that need to be mitigated.

You will gain insights into how a CNAPP enables seamless collaboration across teams, eliminates cloud native blind spots with true holistic visibility, and prevents successful attacks using one source of truth across the entire software development lifecycle (SDLC) that is only available from a platform solution.



Thomas Laubrock
Thomas Laubrock arbeitet seit 20 Jahren als Berater und Architekt in der IT-Security. Er hat dabei unterschiedlichste Themen von Smart-Card-Programmierung bis Malware-Forensik behandelt. Nach einem kleinen Ausflug als SRE im Jahr 2020 ist er nun auf DevSecOps und Cloud Native Security spezialisiert.


Du möchtest über die Continuous Lifecycle und die ContainerConf auf dem Laufenden gehalten werden?

