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Simple, secure microservices across platforms with HTTP/3 and QUIC

Microservices are complex to securely interconnect especially across platforms and clusters, requiring various kernel, orchestrator, mesh and cloud abstractions leading to operational cost and fragility.

Fortunately new web and internet standards such as HTTP/3 and QUIC simplify the entire transport stack eliminating many of the prior layers and boosting performance by a third or more. Leveraging the new standards, this session will demonstrate how to enable common patterns like mTLS, canaries/blue-green, service discovery and failover into the native http stack at the app edge alongside the service, including for existing unchanged HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2 apps.


    Some awareness of existing microservice network and mesh patterns (such as kube-proxy, traffic management, mTLS, etc.) would be helpful but not required.


  • The session will introduce key benefits of new web standards (such as H/3 and QUIC) as well as associated standards for workload and client strong identities, service discovery, DNS, etc.
  • The talk will focus on tools for smooth adoption of these in backend deployments at the microservice app edge, while ensuring compatibility with front-end patterns across major browsers and webscale providers.



Karthik Prabhakar
Karthik Prabhakar has been involved in the design and production adoption of abstractions used for cloud-native network security approaches since the early days of Kubernetes, and has guided the architecture of numerous high-profile deployments of Kubernetes network security and service mesh/mTLS deployments. He has also been an early-stage product advisor for a number of successful cloud-native startups.


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