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CO2 responsibility – how we learned to shrink our footprints

Big companies have a big CO2 footprint. But they also have smart and ambitious minds who work on it. We will tell stories how people at Tchibo and Google are striving to reduce the environmental impact of their software operations – on the backend and on the frontend side.

Reducing the footprint whilst maintaining proper operations throughout Black Friday seems like a contradiction. When we started to show teams their related carbon dioxide footprint, we created a feedback loop that encourages everyone to do better.

We will give an overview of our ideas and first steps…


  • Engineering excellency


  • Inspiration to consume smarter and less



Johannes Mainusch
Johannes Mainusch is inspired by things like innovative technologies, tube radios and cycling. He gets excited when people around him and he learn to get better. Change involves failure and learning, organizational change involves creating a learning environment. That is, why he and his team founded kommitment in 2016...

Tim Rohwedder
Tim Rohwedder has been passionately optimizing workflows, systems, and processes for over a decade now. Continuous Learning has been one of his core values for all of his professional career. And so he has been empathetic with everybody up and down the chain of command. If he is not working with technology, you will probably find him in his kitchen, working on things that taste delicious.

Zoe Lopez-Latorre
Zoe Lopez-Latorre has spent the past two years working on understanding the connection between site speed and the carbon footprint of websites. During this time, she has released user research and practical recommendations for brands and advertisers, helping them to reduce their digital carbon footprint while improving their Core Web Vitals.


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