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Building an OpenSource APM with OpenTelemetry

Proprietary APM (Application Performance Management) solutions have provided immense value to developers, yet are very expensive, in part because there was no good way to assemble a similar feature set in Open-Source Software (OSS). Everything from the agents over the collection layers to the backends were proprietary. This is now changing with OpenTelemetry and its instrumentation SDKs and backends like Prometheus and Jaeger.

This talk will show you how you could leverage the power of OpenTelemetry and CNCF backends like Prometheus and Jaeger to build a compelling APM solution. We will also cover implementation risks and the upcoming improvements in the OTel community that will make things easier and more valuable. All built with and on top of OSS.


  • Understand OpenTelemetry, its goals and current status.
  • Learn how to leverage it to drive value to your company.
  • See and play with an end to end demo on how to build an APM and then use it to debug what's wrong with your applications.



Goutham Veeramachaneni
Goutham Veeramachaneni is a fresh Product Manager, just transitioning from engineering. Goutham is an active contributor to the Prometheus ecosystem and was a maintainer for TSDB, the engine behind Prometheus 2.0. He works at Grafana Labs on OpenTelemetry and other open-source observability tools.


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