* Command line usage.
* Probably you want to bring a laptop.
* Please install Minikube (https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/install-minikube/) and verify it is working.
* Attendees will feel comfortable deploying containerized applications on Kubernetes.
* Attendees will learn the best practices to keep Kubernetes healthy.
Tobias Bradtke has experience with Linux and open-source software for more than twenty years and he started playing with Docker with the very first release. Obviously, Kubernetes is currently his favorite topic, earlier on that list were among others Python, Elasticsearch, NoSQL databases, Neo4j, Javascript, Ruby and different web frameworks. In his spare time he is voluntary committed to work on Open Data projects within the local community. At Giant Swarm he takes care of customer happiness as a Solution Engineer. Foremost this is about understanding customer needs, following new development across the Kubernetes ecosystem and also shaping the road map of the Giant Swarm platform.
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