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Beyond CI: Building Your Continuous Delivery Toolkit [Sponsored Talk]

Continuous Integration tools are great. We know them well enough, though, to realize that they're also not a silver bullet. As we look to move from build and CI to DevOps and Continuous Delivery, there are many other tools in our toolkit that we will need to integrate in order to have effective, flexible automation that supports our teams and initiatives. We will classify and discuss various categories of CD and DevOps tools, highlighting which tools are best used for which tasks. We'll present an outline of an effective CD toolkit based on allowing best-of-breed tools to do what they do best without overstretching and breaking them. By swapping our hammer for a proper toolkit, not every problem in application delivery need look like a nail!

This session is kindly sponsored by codecentric.



Rob Vanstone
Rob Vanstone is the UK Sales Engineer for XebiaLabs. With a background that spans both sides of the traditional Development and Operations "divide" he has both experience that covers breadth and depth of the challenges that are being addressed today. Rob is now working very hard to channel his and his clients experiences and practices into creating and delivering high quality tooling and coaching to help solve many of the fundamental software delivery issues faced by the industry today.


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